Some Thoughts on Stress and Legal Careers

Some Thoughts on Stress and Legal Careers

Stress is an accompanying factor in practically all professions known to man. It can be caused and dealt with in a myriad ways, with some causes and solutions being more extreme than others and vice versa. This type of stress, often referred to as occupational stress, can be described as the response that people often have when they are presented with certain work demands that are not adequately matched to their abilities and knowledge, thereby challenging their coping abilities.


Because of the varied nature of the innumerable occupations, stress levels are known to vary greatly. The amount of stress generated by a particular job would also depend on how skilled or competent an individual is at it, and whether or not they enjoy their work. Lawyers and judges are not exempted from all of this. As a matter of fact, those two related professions are frequently cited as being among the worst jobs for your health in the workforce. Although many look at them as highly prestigious and rewarding jobs, and they truly are, many who get into them are also quite unhappy. There are several factors regarding those jobs that can make one cynical, depressed and there are many that find the law outright boring.

Stressed? You bet!

Stressed? You bet!

Because of the negative perceptions that many have over their jobs, it can be safe to say that many lawyers and judges are stressed enough because of those things. If one adds the amount of work that they have to get into, then it certainly comes as no surprise that law careers are considered to be highly stressful, even by those who have never embarked on such careers. Because this is an unavoidable part of a working adult life, the most that people can do would be to find ways to cope and minimize. For some, this may involve changing their way of thinking towards their work. Others may do well to develop other passions and hobbies that can aid in cultivating a more relaxed state of mind.

In a world that comes with great stress, there is only so much anybody can do about it. The important thing is that something can be done about this. Despite the occasionally tedious and cynical nature of these legal careers, one can accomplish a lot of good, still. It may take some time to turn things around, but the end result is certainly worth the effort.

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